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How to Prepare for Summer Marketing

When it comes to marketing for a small business, you’re constantly looking ahead to what’s just around the corner. You’re a season ahead of everybody else, ready for the next big thing in marketing to come around so you can take advantage of it. And with spring coming to an end and summer quickly approaching, you’re gearing up for a summer of marketing mayhem.

We put together a quick list of our favorite summer marketing ideas to help you get ready for the hot sales season coming up. Here’s how to prepare for summer marketing.


1. Embrace the heat

If you haven’t noticed, the summertime can get a little toasty. When it comes to marketing for your small business, consider this an advantage. Embrace the heat by tying your sales, promotions and marketing to the temperature outside. For instance, “Pay the temperature! Every time the temp outside goes over 100, take an extra 10% off these select items.”


2. Get outside

With the heat comes the perfect opportunity to get outside and promote the business at outdoor events. After all, if consumers are outside, then you should be, too. Take your storefront or online store outside by participating in events like street fairs, block parties or festivals. You could even give pop-ups a try, and pop up with promotions at places you know customers will be during the long summer days.


3. Hit the holidays

There are plenty of holidays to celebrate and embrace over the upcoming summer months. Whether it’s Flag Day, Father’s Day, the Fourth of July or Back to School season, be sure to hit the holidays with your summer marketing tactics. Use email marketing beforehand, social media marketing on the holiday and follow up with print marketing to tell your customers about special holiday deals and promotions.


4. Snap some pics

When it comes to summer, the grass is green, the sky is blue and people are happy. What better time is there to snap pictures you can use for promoting your small business? Summer is the ideal time to engage with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, because of all the beautiful photos you can share. Share pictures from your business, from the community or from customers to reach out to clients and engage with them on their level.


5. Enjoy local events

While you’re out and about enjoying the sunshine, be sure your business gets involved with local events in the community. Use fairs, concerts and other community events to get your business in front of a large, captive audience. Or, see how your business can show support in the community—such as sponsoring a sports team—to bring exposure to the brand and demonstrate how much you care.


6. Promote summer sales

Of course, summer is the perfect time to embrace those sizzling summer sales. People will be on the lookout for sales throughout the summertime, so be sure to keep your business top of mind by having a fresh sale ready to go at any given moment.

Summer will soon be here, as will summer marketing. Make sure you’re prepared with these tip top ideas for summer marketing. Embrace the heat and give these ideas a try to see how your business can grow this summer.